The decimal 7,551 in Mayan numerals is

All natural divisors of 7,551 are:
1, 3, 9, 839, 2517, 7551

And that is the number factored 7,551 = 3 x 3 x 839 (it is not prime)

Mayan Symbol
Meaning of the symbol


The mayan symbol in this position means

`18 \cdot 20^2`

Mayan Symbol
Meaning of the symbol


The mayan symbol in this position means

`17 \cdot 20^1`

Mayan Symbol
Meaning of the symbol


The mayan symbol in this position means

`11 \cdot 20^0`

Expanding the number 7,551 into powers of `20`

`7,551=18 \cdot 20^2 +17 \cdot 20^1 +11 \cdot 20^0`



`18 \cdot 20^2 +17 \cdot 20^1 +11 \cdot 20^0`

Convert the decimal into a Mayan number